AI Tools

AI Tools

adobe podcast

The Adobe Podcasts tool is an online audio recording and editing platform. It is powered by artificial intelligence (AI-powered) technology and is designed for people who want to tell their stories through a podcast.

Adobe's goal with the tool is to transform the future of audio, making creating and editing podcasts more accessible for everyone. The tool is also powered by Adobe Premiere Pro's text-to-speech technology, which allows you to edit audio based on a transcript, making the editing process much easier.

With Adobe Podcasts, you can create your own podcast with professionalism, using the online platform for recording and editing audio. The tool is affordable and easy to use, and is ideal for people who want to tell their stories through a podcast.

Freemium: Paid plans from 10 USD/m

✅ Pros

  • Easy-to-use online tool;

  • Powered by artificial intelligence (AI-powered) technology and text-to-speech technology from Adobe Premiere Pro;

  • Ideal for people who want to tell their stories through a podcast;

  • Possibility of audio editing using transcription;

  • Ability to create a professional podcast with ease.

❌ Cons

  • Available in English only;

  • Does not offer advanced features for audio editing, such as sound effects and mixing;

  • It is not possible to import existing audio files into the platform;

  • It is still in the early stages of development and may not be as robust as other podcasting tools on the market;

  • Requires a stable and fast internet connection to function properly.