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AI Tools

AI Tools

Cmd J – ChatGPT for Chrome

A hardware Cmd J, available by clicking the button above is a Chrome extension easy to use, which allows the use of Chat GPT in any tab without the need to copy and paste. With it, you can significantly increase your productivity by using ChatGPT in a more efficient and practical way.

Furthermore, the extension offers the possibility of improving your writing, generating blog posts and solving programming problems with the help of a keyboard shortcut.

This way, you save time and effort while making the most of ChatGPT's features. Try the tool and discover how it can simplify and enhance your work!

Freemium: Paid plans from 9 USD/m


  • Makes it easier to use ChatGPT: The extension allows you to use ChatGPT in any tab without the need to copy and paste;

  • Increases productivity: The tool optimizes time and effort when using ChatGPT in a more practical and efficient way;

  • Easy to use: The Chrome extension is simple and intuitive, making it easy for users to adopt;

  • Improves writing: The tool helps to improve the quality of the text and generate blog posts more quickly;

  • Solution to programming problems: The extension helps in solving programming questions with the keyboard shortcut.


  • Exclusive to Chrome: The tool is only available as an extension for the Google Chrome browser;

  • Possible incompatibility with other extensions: There may be a conflict with other extensions installed in the browser;

  • Requires internet connection: To use ChatGPT, you need to have internet access, which may be a limitation in some cases.