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Digital Transformation and UX:

How to apply in your company

Digital and UX transformation is no longer a concept associated with a distant future and has become a reality,
Check out how to apply it in practice.

In this post you will see:

Digital Transformation and UX: How to apply it in your company

A digital transformation It is no longer a concept associated with a distant future and has become a reality. More than that: a necessity. Something for
which today's companies must pay maximum attention to, if they want
remain alive and competitive.

And the numbers don't lie. Almost 30% of Silicon Valley executives, famous
because it is home to technology giants, they classify digital transformation as
an matter of survival.

A International Data Corporation (IDC) points out that global spending on digital transformation technologies – hardware, software and services – reached US$ 1,3 trillion in 2017. The technological research company expects this spending to practically double by 2021, when the total invested in digital transformation in the world should exceed US$ 2,1 trillion.

Already World Economic Forum estimates that the economic value of digital transformation for companies and society will exceed US$100 trillion per year by 2025.
Innovate and adapt quickly is, increasingly, the key to persistence of
a business.

After all, what is Digital Transformation?

If you parachuted here, you might be wondering “But what, in fact, is Digital Transformation?”.

A digital transformation It is a radical change in the way companies operate, organize themselves, do business and communicate. The result? Better performance, greater reach, better results and competitiveness.

It is a structural change the insertion of technology in all areas
of organizations. But anyone who believes that the process is simply about adopting new technologies or automating processes is mistaken. Reshape process and business models and culture
corporate governance are equally vital to the success of the initiative.
Essence of digital transformation
The idea is to use technology not just to replicate an existing service in a digital form, but to transform that service into something significantly better.

Impacts on society

It cannot be denied that, in addition to changes in business, the digital transformation It has also transformed our lives and the consumer behavior. As it progresses, more people become accustomed to
the presence of new technologies everywhere.

Think about yourself. So many digital tools have changed the way we discover and evaluate brands, products and services. The way we buy, how we share information and how we connect with companies is also very different compared to years ago.

Everything became more agile, the volume of information is infinitely greater than before and new solutions appear every day. Now, the new consumer is connected, well-informed, critical, demanding and aware of the different options that the market offers.

Digital Transformation and UX
He needs quick answers, Palm. Are you more interested in a good experience and save time than anything else. He expects more and more from companies and is not just looking for a solution to his problem. Look for options that offer broader and more real satisfaction of your needs. He wants competitive differences that add value and justify his choices and investments.

A new way of interacting with brands has emerged, and user experience
has strongly influenced purchasing decisions.

Proof of this is the data from the Customer Experience Index (CEI) Survey,
which indicate that:

By 2020 the user experience will trump price and product as the brand's key differentiator: 86% of shoppers will pay more to
have a better experience.
Did you see? You can't wait, because technology doesn't wait. Your company needs to invest in processes and new technologies to love and promote better interactions with your customers.

User Experience (UX)?
What is it?

In this context of change, UX plays an essential role. UX is the acronym for user experience, or user experience, in Portuguese.

Who has stopped purchasing a solution or migrated to another supplier because they received poor service? Or have you ever abandoned a shopping cart because the website was too slow or difficult to navigate?

The concept of UX deals with exactly this: people's experience when interacting with companies. A good user experience reflects not only a need being fully resolved, but also a feeling of satisfaction when using a given solution.

User experience works with questions functional and practical, and also
with everywhere emotional of this experience.

Assertiveness of the solution, ease of using the product, communication, responses, “humanity” in the treatment, a pleasant layout and speed are some of the factors responsible for generating insights that will touch the user's heart.
A good UX from the first impressions increases (is very!) the chances
to retain the user and lead them to become a repeat customer.
Not to mention that, when a user has good experiences using your product/service, they are repeated and recommended.

He becomes a fan of the brand and this ends up generating spontaneous advertising, the famous “word of mouth”, which, despite all the innovations, continues to be one of the best media.

More data to prove: A study performed by Dimensional Research showed that more than half of consumers (59%) would not buy from a certain company again after a bad experience.

Who should invest in UX?

Any company can (and must) take ownership of the concept and benefits of working with UX in your business.

No matter the field of activity, type of business or size, there will always be an interaction, even if indirect, with humans in some (or several) phases of the process.

Therefore, there will always be a customer on the other side with expectations, desires, needs and limitations, characteristics inherent to the human being. And your company needs to serve you or risk losing you. Forever!

How to apply Digital Transformation and User Experience?

If you've made it this far, you must already be aware that the survival of brands is directly related to digital transformation and the way companies communicate with their customers.

So, now that you understand that the digital transformation é a path of no return and that the personal and commercial relations of society, as a whole, have already been
and continue to be radically changed because of it, you may be wondering:

How can I implement this in my business? How can I embrace the possibilities that technological advances provide to change the way my company works? How to place the customer in the center of my strategy?

Like Bitrix24 can transform your customer experience

And then the Bitrix24 enters the scene. And takes on the role of protagonist

The management, social collaboration and communication platform most complete on the market It will help your company stand out in this new reality and generate more business with the end user as the main focus of its evolution.
See the article "What is Bitrix24?" and see how it can transform your business
Through it, your company will be able to:

Integrate communication; manage projects and tasks with a focus on CRM (Customer Relationship Management or, in Portuguese, Relationship Management
with the client); ensure information security; count on portability and responsiveness, in addition to accumulating data for analysis and statistics.

O Bitrix24 It will centralize your business processes, so that all monitoring and strategies will be done from a single place.
Your company united!

We elect three features platform that will help you manage customers and support them, putting them at the center and focusing on their needs. Check out:


Among the more than 35 tools available for your company, Bitrix24 has a powerful Integrated CRM, which will help you centralize and organize all communication routes between the company and customers (potential and existing).

O Bitrix24 storing customer data, with analysis and reports. This way, you can monitor each and every interaction that the customer makes with your company, and vice versa. You will know when he visited your website, which of your emails he opened and the calls he made, for example.

Interactions carried out, whether through social networks, instant messages, emails, live chat or phone calls, are centralized in the CRM. All . In one place!

From these interactions, you can also add notes, assign tasks and schedule meetings, for example. Everything to avoid leaving your client talking alone or without answers. He wants agility, remember?

Much more work can be done complete and personalized with all the information about the customer in the palm of your hand, right?

Not to mention that all this information recorded in the CRM can be used to help teams anticipate possible problems and show the best paths.

Have this total customer view, which includes interactions already carried out, preferences, behavioral data, purchase history and other pertinent information, helps your company to build a close relationship, in addition to allowing you to define new and better service strategies.

With the resources of CRM Bitrix24, you can do all this (and much more!).


Do you know this term?
Omnichannel refers to the integration of different channels and business processes with the aim of offering better and more agile experiences.
O integrated service became a reality for customers and the Bitrix24 do this for your company!

Consumers are connected via cell phones, tablets, laptops and desktops. With the feature of open channels do Bitrix24, you serve all these customers on an integrated platform. Communication quickly and easily, in real time.

You will make your company always available on different channels. This is fundamental for communication and relationships with customers.

The tool integra various means of digital communication – social networks and other messaging services – with your customers on Bitrix24.

It's simple: you do the integrations and start receiving all customer messages in your chat Bitrix24. In return, your customers will receive your response through their message source: Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Skype, Web chat, Viber, etc.

With Bitrix24, you will also have a contact center free for the customer. This means you can provide support via email, phone, live chat, social media, and popular messaging apps.

This way, you guarantee a fluid relationship, in any interaction with your brand, regardless of the communication channel chosen by your customer.

Process automation

To ensure good UX, you can also use the features of Bitrix24 to automate the operational processes and flows of your business.

This will make service easier, more agile and productive, removing all obstacles that prevent your team from achieving success.

And do you know what that means? Satisfied customer and more chance of meeting his expectations.

With Bitrix24, you can automate those common tasks (and sometimes boring) everyday tasks that you and your team would spend a lot of time doing manually. The result? Simplified routine and more time to build relationships, interact with customers and focus on what really matters.

You can also use the features of automation processes do Bitrix24 to, for example, initiate post-sales processes such as order fulfillment and ensuring that the correct products or services are delivered to the customer.

Final result of the Transformation
Digital + UX + Bitrix24

Increased customer satisfaction, as the company is always available and customers receive useful information at all times;

Increased process efficiency, with more agile communication, union of sectors and strategic decisions based on data and history;

Competitive advantage, reducing costs, gaining new customers and increasing productivity.

Did you see? As Bitrix24 you add value to your client and generate results for your business!

Of course, it doesn't end there! O Bitrix24 It is a very feature-rich platform, with a multitude of possibilities, which will suit and adjust to your business. There is a lot to be explored and we are here to help you with this discovery.

Do you want to know better Bitrix24 and use the tool to boost your business results?

Contact us! A Bytebio is a partner GOLD official Bitrix24 Brazil! We have already applied Digital Transformation to more than 700 clients over 10 years,
We can definitely speed up your company too!

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See some of the areas we can work on in your business
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