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What is digital transformation?
What are your goals?

Understand how digital transformation can influence and optimize your business, with growth in sales, decision making and increased productivity!

With the increasing development of new T In current contexts, we can see the emergence of increasingly practical and modern tools and devices — such as cell phones, computers and notebooks. Furthermore, the social networks significantly changed the possibilities for promoting products and services and interaction with potential customers.

As a result, access to digitalization has become even more universal, based on democratization and easy access to the internet. And the impact of this for companies is naturally significant.

For this reason, we realize that the concept of Transformation is increasingly talked about and evident in the market and companies need to be aware of this new reality. However, few companies understand its true meaning and importance. Want to know more about the subject? So, check out our post until the end and ask your questions about the topic.

After all, what is Digital Transformation?

Before we can truly understand the real concept of digital transformation, we first need to understand what is currently happening with many brands and businesses.

Those client active in the market for a long time, well before the democratic emergence of Internet, usually face a major challenge: several guidelines that aim to guide internal processes without a pre-digital culture, nowadays becoming completely obsolete and no longer applicable to the company's reality.

However, the good news is that change can always happen, and these companies can be led into the digital era in a practical, easy and efficient way.

We can say that the digital transformation concerns a change in the
corporate and procedural mentality of companies, which start to use technology - such as tools of artificial intelligence, big data and others - to achieve their objectives in a more modern and effective way and to improve decision making.

With this, they can optimize performance, improve customer experience, increase market authority and follow the new technological trends to impact employees and customers in an increasingly positive way.
Can we say, therefore, that all companies operating in the market are aware of digital transformation?

Unfortunately not! The concept of digital transformation it goes far beyond simply ensuring an online presence through a website or even a corporate blog.
Digital transformation in companies
People transform and create a new mindset for business
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How does Digital Transformation work in companies?

As demonstrated, implementing digital transformation in companies can generate countless benefits. However, before that, we noticed the emergence of challenges involving the process of digital innovation. Therefore, in order for us to be successful in the first stage of implementation, it is crucial that we establish a very well-defined scope, in order to avoid possible complications and difficulties.

In this way, in order to guarantee the main digital transformation goals Within an organization — so that it is implemented correctly — it is necessary to pay attention to some important issues, such as:

1. Diagnosis of the brand’s real situation

First of all, so that we can fully understand how the process of digital transformation can act, and above all, benefit your brand, it is necessary to determine what are the main current demands that the business faces, according to the business model.

In some corporations, for example, there is a need to implement automation processes in excessively manual activities, as is what happens in operational sectors. In other cases, strengthening the

security in IT and even in Customer Service. Therefore, the first step is to identify what the company wants to improve.

2. Aligned management

In case you don't know, the digital transformation process tends to affect the entire work cycle, as well as the corporation's internal management. Therefore, encouraging the engagement of leaders and seeking to align the management format tends to help incorporate excellent T in an efficient way.

For this reason, the management of people and their strategies They need to consider available resources and use them to optimize productivity within their teams.

The relationship between employees and the implementation of these changes ends up being much more practical when it is possible to count on leadership focused on innovation and the study of new market tendencies — especially linked to the digital context.

3. Implementation

After observing the main needs of your company, and thus managing to get teams aligned with the new changes, it is now necessary to move on to the development stage. implementation of digital transformation.

In this context, we must decide what type of ERP systems we can hire, in addition to payment systems we can use, which self-service resources to integrate into the routine marketing and sales and other types of elements that were categorized as important in the analysis phase.

4. Experiments and tests

After bringing the chosen news to your company, it is time to apply tests and experiments in each of the tools.

After all, the purpose of this stage is to understand whether the tools incorporated into the organization are actually having the expected digital effects, as well as the automation, reducing rework, optimizing time, streamlining activities, among other related results.

For this reason, carry out the necessary tests and ensure that the systems incorporation has generated the digital transformation in your corporation as expected.

5. Improvements and evaluations

After carrying out all the necessary experiments and tests, we were able to identify the possibilities of obtaining even more efficient and optimized processes, seeking to make sure that everything is as expected, that is, that the implementations work in a practical and simple way.

It is worth analyzing very calmly everything that has been implemented, and thus checking the results that are being generated based on the changes that were adopted in the company. A good way to carry out this process is to monitor key indicators.

This is because, when investing in digital transformation in business, we are able to collect even better data and results through innovation and creativity. Optimizing activities that were obsolete to ensure that the brand stands out from the competition is essential to gain its space in the market, generating authority.

Find out how the results of Digital Transformation can boost your business.


As we saw, the digital transformation is of paramount importance for today's businesses. Not only due to the need to optimize internal practices, but also to monitor market tendencies and new models of interaction with the consumer.

To find out more, visit our website now, fill out the form and Contact Us. If you want to know more about our digital transformation solutions, visit our information page consulting service.

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