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Digital Transformation in Brazil:
insights and trends!

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Take the opportunity to embrace these new trends in your business!
Before you learn to run, you must learn to walk. Before taking a leap into business, you must evaluate where you are today — digital technologies are no different.

Understanding about the Transformation of your business is the first step to generating value — and profitable business transformation — through digital technologies.

Therefore, in today's article we will understand the main insights and trends of Digital Transformation in Brazil and what are the main aspects that you can consider to improve your organization's maturity metrics.

What is Digital Transformation?

In general, the Transformation is the ability to quickly respond to or capitalize on market opportunities based on current technology stacks, people resources, and digital technology.

It is about the ability of an organization to undertake Digital Transformation not only from the point of view of digital technology, but across the entire organization, including people, culture and processes, to achieve positive business results.

While there is a large emphasis on technology, an organization's level of digital maturity is also affected by speed and adaptability, largely due to human capital resources and automated processes — it is a team effort, in the broadest sense of the word.
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Why is Digital Transformation a priority?

A Transformation is the act of physically altering workflows and processes through digital technologies. This means that your digital maturity is the degree to which you understand — and have the ability to implement — these changes.

Companies invest in Digital Transformation for these main reasons:
  • Leadership can use data insights to define clear business objectives and strategies, enabling them to improve and grow the business and equip it to adapt to constant change;
  • The business can deliver personalized, connected, and efficient customer interactions across channels (multichannel and/or omnichannel) for better customer engagement and retention;
  • Employees can also drive change, work more efficiently and find greater satisfaction in their work through cross-functional collaboration, total accountability and better alignment between teams, processes and technology.
Working to achieve these results is essential for businesses to remain viable and competitive. As markets and situations evolve, successful Digital Transformation makes it easier for companies to be agile and flexible, scale and achieve rapid appreciation.

Trends in Digital Transformation: Analytics and Digital

With the aim of understanding the effect of the digitalization process in Brazil, the McKinsey conducted a study with 124 large and medium-sized businesses in various sectors to measure the Digital Transformation of businesses operating in the country.

The proprietary Analytics & Digital Quotient (A&DQ) tool was used, which evaluated 22 management practices critical to the success of Digital Transformation and capturing financial results, distributed among the four dimensions.

See below the A&DQ with the measurement of the Digital Transformation of businesses in Analytics and Digital with its dimensions and practices:
  • Digital Transformation in Brazil | Bytebio
    • Awareness of change;
    • Ambitious and long-term aspiration;
    • Linked to business strategy;
    • Customer centricity;
    • Growth opportunity.
  • Digital Transformation in Brazil | Bytebio
    • Digital marketing and sales;
    • Customer journeys;
    • Data and Analytics;
    • Technological models and platforms;
    • Focus on generating value.
  • Digital Transformation in Brazil | Bytebio
    • Structure;
    • Collaboration between business and technology;
    • Talents;
    • Proficiency in Analytics and Digital;
    • Governance and metrics.
  • Digital Transformation in Brazil | Bytebio
    • Agility;
    • Testing and learning;
    • Experimentation;
    • Internal collaboration;
    • External guidance;
    • Data-driven mindset.
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Evolution of the stages of Digital Transformation

We will introduce you to the different phases an organization goes through on its journey to achieve Transformation and what is needed to bring about true transformation.

Status quo

At this stage, businesses continue to operate the way they always have, without any insight into the perspective or desires of their customers — an excellent example of this is Blockbuster and Netflix in the United States.

Blockbuster refused to make the switch to an “as-a-service” model even as Netflix's popularity became apparent, and eventually pushed the organization into obsolescence.


At this stage, businesses have recognized the need for transformation and may even be experimenting with different technologies to advance along the path.

But the efforts are not organized and different departments are approaching the problem in a myriad of different ways.

Experimentation with new technologies

Once a business moves into the formalized stage, you start to see the intentional experimentation with new technologies, with key visionaries and change agents within the company seeking buy-in from executives.

It is at this stage that businesses are most likely to face obstacles posed by digital culture. For an organization to move beyond this, they must make changes to the company culture to be successful.


Once a business reaches the strategic level, it can overcome the obstacles of ingrained work culture and executive buy-in and begin creating a strategic roadmap.

Individual groups and departments have recognized the power and strength of digital collaboration and are advancing investments in technologies that will transform business.

What is strategy? It involves executing digital initiatives inside or outside the company: deciding where to execute initiatives according to strategy, leveraging existing strengths in units within the business or launching new initiatives.
See how you can use the data and technologies to support your Marketing decisions.


At this stage, businesses developed a specific, targeted team of innovators to guide the company along a strategic path towards transformation.

These businesses have overcome the cultural obstacles traditionally seen when companies embark on the journey to transformation and are on their way to success.

What are capabilities? It refers to the action of choosing a digitalization model that makes it possible to mature digital capabilities, establish policies, tools and new ways of working with the aim of achieving a digital organization.

Innovative organization

Businesses that reach this stage have achieved true Digital Transformation.

Having a way of life and business well positioned to continue to seek new technological paths and adapt to the ever-changing business world with ease.

What does organization mean in this case? The structure and governance are defined to monitor the transformation, mitigating management fragmentation and aiming for greater responsibility for the organization's management sectors.

Is your business evolving along with Digital Transformation?

If the answer is no, know that experts at Bytebio can help you with this! With Digital Transformation Consulting, your business will be assisted in all processes of the business journey, impacting positive changes at all levels of management.

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