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Alt Text for SEO and accessibility

People analyzing images and including the alt text attribute
O alt Text (alternative text), plays an essential role in both accessibility and search engine optimization, in addition to ensuring that the visual content of a web page is understandable to people with visual impairments, it also helps search engines interpret and classify images. In the context of SEO, Alt Text goes beyond a simple description — it's an effective strategy for improving your site's performance in search rankings, making your content accessible and inclusive to all types of readers.

What is Alt Text?

Alt Text is an attribute used in HTML and XHTML documents for the textual description associated with an image, with the purpose of ensuring accessibility and optimization of visual content, as well as describing the image when it cannot be displayed. Screen readers use this description to report the image content to visually impaired users. It also helps search algorithms understand the context and relevance of images in their content, playing a crucial role in website indexing.
For professionals SEO, Alt Text is not limited to accessibility. It is a tool that directly impacts visibility of a website, as it can be used to improve ranking in search results, when inserted strategic keywords related to the content. HTML example of an alt text:

image on website with highlighted alt text in html

The Importance of Alt Text for SEO

Alt Text makes it easier to image indexing by search engines, contributing to the increase in organic traffic of the website. By including relevant descriptions, it also improves accessibility, expanding audience reach. This combination strengthens the brand's digital presence and can result in higher conversion rates.
Additionally, well-structured Alt Text helps search engines identify the content of images, optimizing ranking in visual searches.

Best Practices for Using Alt Text

To ensure your Alt Text is effective, it must be descriptive, relevant, and optimized for SEO without resorting to the "keyword stuffing"Let's explore the best practices for writing Alt Text effectively, highlighting the importance of balancing accessibility and performance.

1. Be descriptive and objective

The main purpose of Alt Text is to provide a clear and accurate description of the visual content of the image. Instead of using vague terms, create specific descriptions that make sense to both search engines and screen readers, in relation to the image. For example, instead of using "dog", a more effective description would be "Labrador retriever playing in a grassy park". This clarity helps search engines understand the content of the image and improves accessibility.
Tip: Focus on the essence of what is being shown. Concisely describe what is visually relevant.

2. Avoid redundant words

When writing Alt Text, avoid obvious terms like “image of” or “photo of,” as screen readers will already know that it’s an image. Instead, focus on describing the content of the image directly, as if you were explaining it to a friend who can’t see it.
  • Bad example: Image of a red car.
  • Good example: Red sports car parked in front of a modern house.

3. Keep it relevant and in context

Alt Text needs to be aligned with the context of the page where the image is inserted. Make sure the description is directly related to the topic covered in the content. This is important to ensure a fluid user experience and ensuring that Google correctly associates the image with the topic of your site.

4. Include Keywords Naturally

Include relevant keywords in Alt Text can improve the SEO, but it is essential to avoid excesses. The insertion must be done organically, without compromising clarity or resulting in keyword stuffing. Alt Text should describe the image accurately and fluidly, incorporating terms that truly represent the content, without overloading the description.
  • Example of keyword stuffing: "Labrador dog park lawn toy, labrador dog park lawn."
  • Optimized example: "Labrador dog playing with a ball in a grassy park."

5. Describe functional images

If the image is used as part of a link or has a specific function, such as an action button, the Alt Text should describe the expected action when interacting with the image. This helps users who rely on screen readers to navigate efficiently.
Example: "Submit form button" or "Search icon".

6. Delete Decorative Images

Purely decorative images that provide no additional information to the page content do not need Alt Text. By omitting descriptions from these images, you improve the user experience and avoids unnecessary distractions for screen readers. An example of this would be:


Alt Text is a powerful tool for improve accessibility and optimize strategies SEO, especially in image searches. By balancing clear descriptions and avoiding keyword stuffing, you can maximize your images' performance in search engines, providing a inclusive experience and high quality for all users.
Na Bytebio we offer consultancy services in SEO helping companies implement practices and strategies SEO, such as the strategic use of Alt Text, enhancing the accessibility and performance of your website in search engines.