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The results of Digital Transformation can boost your business
The impact caused by new technologies has changed the entire job market and the results of Digital Transformation

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The results of Digital Transformation can boost your business

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The impact caused by new technologies has changed the entire job market and results of Transformation they became topics in meetings of financial leaders and executives.

The digital era has gained extraordinary strength and diving into it has become an obligation for corporations that intend to face the competitive scenario.

There have been major changes in the role played by financial managers, which was previously limited to just approving budgets and rationing resources to cut expenses. Increasingly, they must act analytically and focus efforts on finding ways to automate processes and free up professionals for more strategic roles.

Do you want to know how Digital Transformation can help you align consumer demand with the industrial side? In this article, you will discover ways to increase the profitability of your business in the Age of Industry 4.0. Come with me!

How investment in technology can

increase your profitability

How much money do you think companies like Uber and AirBnB make annually?

Just because they have built innovative platforms that make users' lives easier, they earn trillions of reais.

Just as Uber does not own the cars, AirBnB also does not own any real estate developments. However, only for commissioning, the results of Digital Transformation For both startups, it's surprising, isn't it?

In the retail sector, we can highlight the Marketplaces, such as B2W, Walmart, Mercado Livre, Via Varejo and Magazine Luiza, for example.

These virtual spaces bring together buyers and offers from sellers of different sizes and segments and aim to make customers purchase products at the lowest price.

Do you know what all these companies have in common? They developed platforms that seek to solve a problem in users' daily lives and prove that there is no longer the option of ignoring the Digital Era.

The coolest thing about this is that you don't need to develop a platform to leverage your financial results. There are already some others innovative tools, for internal use by companies and employees, which allows the reduction of expenses and increases the productivity of the entire team, generating more business and sales opportunities.

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Technologies that increase the


According to the Be the New Digital Enterprise survey – carried out by the global consulting company Accenture – organizations that are based on Digital Transformation are 26% more profitable than others who do not attach importance to the topic.

Research CFO Insights on New Technologies – carried out by Grant Thornton, the sixth largest accounting firm in the world, in partnership with the CFO Research Institute – also confirms the numbers.

The study carried out a survey of 304 heads of the financial sector and management leaders and found that, among them, 69% plan to invest in Digital Transformation in this year. Of this percentage, 41% aim to achieve results of Digital Transformation that surpass the competition's actions and that open new spaces for business.

And, among the various technological solutions on the market, I want to present to you some that have already improved companies' activities:

Google Drive Cloud Systems

The digitization of files integrated with data storage on an online platform together form what we know as cloud computing. These cloud systems represent the basis for Digital Transformation and are available free of charge for use by individuals and legal entities.

Platforms like Google Docs and Google Sheets develop a collaborative culture among employees and make them more agile.

Os results of Digital Transformation through cloud computing are, in addition to these, related to information security: Employees avoid data loss due to bugs in the machine and, consequently, rework.

Furthermore, organizations also protect their documents against cyber attacks, which have increased significantly each year and generated several financial losses.

Using these tools, the company also saves on hiring licenses to use the Become e Excel, for example.


The various websites that offer online courses – such as YouTube itself – and services that allow the exchange of instant messages and video calls – Skype and Google Hangouts, for example – have reduced spending on long-distance calls and in-person training.

According to the 12th Edition of the Panorama of Training in Brazil 2017-2018, a study developed by the Brazilian Association of Training and Development (ABTD) and Integração Escola de Negócios, even in the midst of a period of economic crisis, companies' investment in training of its employees did not decrease in 2017.

On the contrary, the growth was 37% compared to 2016. But the courses were held in a new modality: the e-learning.

Training in the face-to-face format generates expenses with travel, travel and accommodation and, therefore, fell by 11% in 2017. On the other hand, virtual courses had a 9% greater demand and companies skeptical about distance learning also decreased by 4%.

This just shows another way in which the results of digital transformation affect the financial health of your business and help you save a lot.

e-learning | Bytebio

online chat

The creation of tools chatbots represented a huge advance for companies. Through them, the computer simulates a real conversation between people and offers answers to users' common questions.

They don't even realize that they are actually talking to a machine. And this personalized service is already being widely explored by companies around the world.


Plataforma Bitrix24 | Bytebio
It platform project management, collaboration and CRM is already used by more than 4 million companies all around the world. With it, you can automate your processes, increase your sales and better serve your customers.

It is worth remembering that User Experience It is one of the main focuses and results of Digital Transformation and has become one of the priorities of any business. According to data from CEI Survey, it is no longer the price below the competition or the quality of the product that are decisive in the users' purchasing process. Until next year, 86% of consumers will be willing to pay a higher price to have better shopping experiences and build lasting relationships with companies.
Bitrix24 | Bytebio

Digital Transformation Results

Standing out from the competition and creating barriers for new entrants are more results of Digital Transformation that I want to discuss with you.

With so much information and offers that consumers find easily on the Internet, it is essential to pay attention to each of the competitors. Even small businesses, which may not seem to pose any threat at any given time, can surprise. With a big balcony, from one moment to the next, small things can become big.

Do you know the type of competition called disruptive digital competitors? If you're not familiar, I'll explain to you now: These are companies that, in a totally innovative way, solve the same problem as you for their customers.

The biggest example is Uber, already mentioned above. Even though in very different ways, the startup and traditional taxi companies and car rental companies compete for the same market.

The adoption of the transport app is so great that many people now only get around using it, which ends up preventing other companies from gaining prominence in this field. All of this is a result of Digital Transformation.

Therefore, do not make the mistake of neglecting the importance of all types of competitors. Don’t think that customers will forever prefer conventional solutions.

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