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PageSpeed ​​Insights: learn the
benefits of using the tool

Learn everything about the PageSpeed ​​Insights tool and learn how to optimize your website speed through important analysis!
What might be the easiest way to increase conversion rate One of your page speed insights has nothing to do with improving your headline or changing the color of your CTA button. Instead, it's about providing a faster user experience through tool optimization PageSpeed ​​Insights.

Over the years, professionals in the field MarTech understood that there is a direct relationship between page speed and visitor retention and bounce rate.

And with the search for visitors becoming increasingly important in terms of meeting goals, page speed is one of the most vital areas of focus for customer experience today.

So, if you want to learn more about using this tool to create a competitive advantage, keep reading the text and find out how to do it!

What is PageSpeed ​​Insights?

Google PageSpeed ​​Insights is a tool that allows you to quickly and easily test the speed of a web page.

Entering a URL and clicking “Analyze” will quickly get you a detailed report of what is slowing down the web page based on two parameters, complete with tips on how to fix the problem.

O PageSpeed ​​Insights measures a page's performance for mobile and desktop devices. Therefore, the PageSpeed ​​Insights score ranges from 0 to 100 points. A higher score is better, and a score of 85 or higher indicates the page is performing well.
PageSpeed ​​Insights | Bytebio
Please tests of your website in PageSpeed ​​Insights
So if you see a lot of red and yellow in your report, it's because your page has some glaring loading issues.

So how to solve this?

Avoid post-click landing page redirects

If your page is not designed responsively, the result can be a series of redirects to pages optimized for different devices. Some common redirection patterns, from according to Google:

  • uses a responsive web design, no redirects required - fast and ideal!
  • → - multiple round trip penalty for mobile users.
  • → → - very slow mobile experience.

Every time a user needs to be redirected, page rendering stops — adding precious seconds to page load time.

The companies MarTechs guide you to avoid all redirects by building your pages with responsive design — a method that ensures a quality user experience, no matter what device your prospect is on.

Minify CSS, HTML and JavaScript

Minification refers to removing unnecessary or redundant data without affecting how the page is rendered by the browser. Bad coding could be the cause of this problem, and it can be fixed in a few different ways.

Speed ​​up server response time

Server response time — the time it takes for your server to start loading a page's content for a user — can be slowed by a number of factors, according to Google:

  • Database Queries
  • Slow routing
  • Frameworks
  • Libraries
  • Resource CPU hunger
  • Hunger for memory

Make sure all images are compressed

When importing images to your website, be sure to use the correct file size and format (PNGs for graphics under 16 colors and JPEGs for photographs), as well as make sure they are compressed for web purposes .

It's important to remember that the volume of images used on your website can also affect page load time.

If your site has many images, one solution is to combine the images into fewer output files using CSS Sprites. This will reduce latency and result in page speed improvements, as it reduces any possibility of delay or the number of round trips produced.

PageSpeed ​​Insights and SEO Advanced

Here's the million dollar question: how PageSpeed ​​Insights page speed affects the SEO? It is extremely difficult to give a definitive answer. There are several reasons for this:

  • We don't know exactly how Google measures website performance to SEO. PageSpeed ​​Insights (or Lighthouse) is the company's public tool, but they may also use a different tool internally. Additionally, the PageSpeed ​​Insights score does not take actual visitors into account. Does Google use this data for search rankings? I would if I were them.

  • How page speed affects SEO? It certainly affects the SEO, but it is difficult to say to what degree. Google's search ranking algorithms are a trade secret and the information they disclose is vague. This is actually a good thing: clearly defined rules would allow people to bypass them and create low-quality content.

  • Additionally, Google is an industry leader in automation and machine learning. That your employees are testing AI in their algorithms is pretty much confirmed. As such, I doubt even Google's engineers know how their search engine works anymore!
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That said, we can make a solid guess based on what we know:

  • Everyone likes fast websites, and loading time definitely affects the time visitors spend on the site.
  • Google makes local use of loading time when determining search rankings, in some shape or form.
  • Google can evaluate the SEO with PageSpeed ​​Insights in some shape or form, and it's always better to be safe than sorry.
  • The PageSpeed ​​Insights rating is very solid anyway.

With that in mind, you should not consider this number inside the circle as a bible, but you should still strive to improve it in terms of SEO.

Discovering PageSpeed ​​Insights can help your business

O PageSpeed ​​Insights is a robust performance testing tool and widely used by companies MarTechs. While it's unclear how PageSpeed ​​Insights affects the SEO, you should still try to improve your score on the tool.

Everyone loves fast websites, and the Google takes performance into account when determining search rankings in some way. It also analyzes how loading time affects the visitor experience. Therefore, This score directly affects your business.
If you want to know how to improve your website speed and achieve better organic results, we recommend that you access our consultancy page at SEO and discover what we can do for your business!

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