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How can changing your mindset benefit your business?

Find out how and why changing your mindset is important for you and your business, keeping you competitive and current in the market

With the growing technology development Nowadays, we notice the emergence of different strategies and processes to accelerate business competitiveness. Tools, systems and applications are used as strategies to leverage results.

And, in fact, when we invest in technology, we guarantee more precision and prominence in the offering of products and services to our end customers. However, when we don't have a strategic mindset and a organizational culture focused on brand growth, investments may prove fruitless.

For this reason, it is essential to understand the importance of mindset change in companies and business management, because when this happens, we tend to get insights, more practical and intelligent visions and attitudes to deal with today's demands.

Want to know more about the subject? Continue reading our article and understand how to develop a proper mindset can help your company to be successful and grow even further in your market.

After all, what is mindset?

Before moving on to its concept, we must first understand the term. Derived from English, mindset, in free translation, means something like “mind configuration”. This makes it easier for us to continue exploring this important process in the business field.

In general, we can say that mindset is basically the way in which a person tends to see their own reality. The concept ended up emerging from several complex studies on the human mind, carried out by a renowned psychologist in the field of psychology, called Carol S. Dweck.

She was the one who demonstrated that a person's mindset, that is, their ability to see reality, can completely change your way of seeing and behaving towards life. Furthermore, according to the professional, any type of situation can generate good or bad situations, but this will depend mainly on the perspective of the person who sees them.

For example, if the mindset of an entrepreneur or manager is directed towards negative processes — both professionally and personally — he may begin to believe that this is his only reality, and through this, make bad decisions, affected by a completely distorted vision.

Therefore, a person's mindset is the way in which it reacts to life processes, whether in the professional, social, personal field, among others.

People applying mindset
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What are the types of mindset?

In addition to the general concept of mindset, psychologist Carol S. Dweck also highlights that there are two basic types of mindset. They are:

1. Fixed mindset

Nesse type of mentality, the person believes that they were born with skills, and that it is not possible to develop them further. Or, worse than that, they don't believe that new skills can be developed throughout life.

To better understand the fixed mindset, let's consider an example: imagine your work. You can list processes and activities that scare you just thinking about it — be it public speaking, solving mathematical questions, among others.

It has probably crossed your mind that it would be basically impossible to overcome these difficulties. However, as time passes and the internal corporate needs that emerged, you noticed a certain evolution in this regard, which you had not noticed before.

2. Progressive mindset

O progressive mindset, on the other hand, occurs in the opposite way. Following the example mentioned above, if the entrepreneur or manager, instead of continuing to insist on his limiting belief that he cannot speak in public or solve certain mathematical challenges, is willing to improve in this regard, over time, a significant development in your profile.

For this reason, the progressive mindset is also popularly known as mindset or growth mindset. It can be “reformulated” for the better, and thus make the individual even more capable of developing.

What benefits can we derive from mindset for your business?

Understanding the concept and importance of mindset, especially progressive, it is not difficult to deduce its main advantages and benefits for a company. Let’s look at some of them below:

1. Improvement in internal relationships

Regarding specifically the everyday relationships that we need to have with employees, partners, suppliers and other types of professionals involved in the company's supply chain, we realize that the appropriate mindset acts efficiently in these relationships.

This is because we tend to see the positive side of people and processes, generating good ideas and situations that may add even more value to the company.

But this, of course, starts when we know how to relate to those involved and make them think with us in order to make the company grow. Positivism is contagious and close relationships certainly end up being affected by this behavior and vision.

2. Work becomes lighter

Starting once again from the understanding that the process of looking at activities from a positive side is efficient, day-to-day tasks become even more soluble and less exhausting within a company's work routine.

And this doesn’t just apply to entrepreneurs and team managers. When this mindset is implemented across sectors, everyone can work efficiently, optimized and quickly — and best of all, preserving mental health.

3. Competitiveness

The consequence of the benefits and advantages acquired by the growth mindset is just one: more competitiveness.

After all, when we change the way we see the external world (the market and its challenges) and the internal world (the company and its needs), we begin to have better insights to drive processes and people, develop strategies and increasingly improve the offer delivered to end customers.

All of this starts when we “turn the mental switch”, adopt a progressive mindset and start looking at activities, processes and individuals from a new perspective.

Business mindset
A well-applied mindset can change you and your business for the better
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As we saw, mindset in a company is very important for business, and needs to be implemented constantly, so that new ideas, talents, skills and competencies can emerge over time and guarantee the success of a brand in the market.

Therefore, now that you have been able to find out a little more about the mindset focused on the business field, discover our solutions. Talk to us right now by filling out a quick form or find out more about the subject by accessing our consultancy page.

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