News and Tips

OpenAI GPT-4 will arrive in mid-March 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been the subject of development for decades and is evolving every day.

Recently, the next step in the advancement of AI has been announced: the model GPT-4. GPT-4 is an AI model that promises to work with multiple input and output modes, including text, image and audio.

This will allow the model to process more complex information and perform more sophisticated tasks than its predecessors.

GPT-4 will offer a better understanding of context and semantics, making it a more robust and versatile model. This article will provide an overview of GPT-4 and what to expect from this new technology.

Video summary

- Version 4 of GPT chat is about to be released, according to direct sources at Microsoft.
- The new version of GPT chat will allow integration with different types of media, such as images and videos.
- GPT 4 chat will feature multi-modal models, offering completely different possibilities for users.
- GPT 4 chat will be a revolution in the area of ​​artificial intelligence, allowing for a richer and more personalized interaction with users.
- GPT 4 chat will have 100 trillion parameters, making it one of the most advanced artificial intelligences ever created.
- Guarantee of best performance may affect responsiveness.
- PT3 and PT4 chat are more robust, especially PT4.
- PT4 chat will be multi-modal, capable of interpreting information from multiple sources.
- PT4 chat artificial intelligence can read and interpret videos and images.
- Chat PT4 will have more capacity and will be more human, allowing content production in other media.

Main features and news of GPT-4

  • Ability to process multimodal information, including text, image and audio;

  • Performing more complex tasks than its predecessors;

  • Better understanding of the context and semantics of text and other forms of data;

  • Possibility of generating text from visual descriptions;

  • Ability to understand and answer more complex questions;

  • Application in various areas, such as technology, marketing, health and education.

Ability to process multimodal information including text, image and audio

GPT-4 is an AI model that has the ability to process multimodal information including text, image and audio. This means that the model can work with different types of input and output data and process more complex information than its predecessors.

GPT-4's multimodal capability will allow the model to be trained to recognize objects in images, understand and answer questions in natural language, and generate text from visual descriptions.

This new capability makes GPT-4 more versatile and powerful compared to other AI models.

With this new capability, GPT-4 has the potential to be used in a variety of areas, from technology and marketing to healthcare and education, offering a wide range of applications for this technology.

Performing more complex tasks than its predecessors

One of the main new features of GPT-4 is its ability to perform more complex tasks than previous AI models. This is due to its multimodal capability and better understanding of context and semantics.

The model can be trained to translate texts more accurately and generate texts that appear to have been written by humans. Additionally, GPT-4 will be able to understand and answer more complex questions, making it a useful tool for researchers and scientists.

With this capability, GPT-4 will have much greater potential than its predecessors, allowing it to perform a wide variety of tasks across diverse sectors such as technology, marketing, healthcare and education.

Better understanding of the context and semantics of text and other forms of data

GPT-4 makes a huge improvement in understanding the context and semantics of text and other forms of data compared to its predecessors.

This means the model will be able to understand the meaning behind words and phrases and apply this knowledge to more complex tasks.

The model will be able to understand the context in which a word is used and generate texts that better reflect the desired meaning.

This improvement in understanding context and semantics will allow GPT-4 to perform more complex tasks and produce more accurate and relevant results.

As a result, GPT-4 becomes a more advanced and efficient AI model, capable of offering more effective solutions for various areas, such as technology, marketing, healthcare and education.

Possibility to generate text from visual descriptions

GPT-4 has the ability to generate text from visual descriptions, which means the model will be able to interpret images and create detailed and accurate descriptions of those images in text form.

This capability is a major innovation over previous AI models, which typically required images to be manually labeled.

With the ability to generate text from visual descriptions, GPT-4 will make it possible to create more accurate and efficient image search systems, as well as being useful in many other applications, such as translating real-time text into video and image captioning.

Ability to understand and answer more complex questions

One of the new features of GPT-4 is its ability to understand and answer more complex questions. This means the model will be able to understand the context and semantics behind questions and provide accurate and relevant answers.

This ability is a result of the model's multimodal capability, which allows it to process information from multiple sources such as text, image, and audio.

With this capability, GPT-4 can be used in areas such as scientific research, customer service and education, helping to solve complex problems and offer more efficient solutions.

However, it is important to remember that there are still challenges to be faced regarding the accuracy and impartiality of the responses provided by GPT-4, and that the responsible development of the technology is crucial to ensure its ethical and effective application.

Application in various areas, such as technology, marketing, health and education

GPT-4 has the potential to be applied in a variety of areas, from technology and marketing to healthcare and education.

in the sector of technology and marketing, the model can be used to create personalized experiences for users and improve advertising effectiveness. For example, with the ability to generate text from visual descriptions, GPT-4 can help you create more engaging and relevant ads.

In the area of health, GPT-4 can be used to help doctors and researchers analyze large sets of medical data and find new solutions to medical problems.

Na education, the model can be used to improve the effectiveness of distance learning and create more interactive and personalized educational materials for students.

With its ability to process multimodal information and perform more complex tasks, GPT-4 has the potential to change the way businesses and organizations use AI to improve their operations and services.


GPT-4 represents a major evolution in artificial intelligence technology. With its multimodal capability, more complex tasks, and better understanding of context and semantics, GPT-4 promises to be a more robust and versatile model than its predecessors.

The possibilities for application in various areas, such as technology, marketing, healthcare and education, make GPT-4 a valuable technology that should be watched carefully in the coming years.

However, it is important to remember that using AI models like GPT-4 also brings challenges and ethical issues, which must be considered carefully.

As this technology evolves, it is essential that developers and users work together to ensure it is used ethically and responsibly.
Artificial Intelligence