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Do you know what Growth Marketing is?

Learn how to apply Growth Marketing in your company, exploring data analysis, growth strategies and the customer journey.

Have you heard about the Growth Marketing? It is common for people to know what it is Growth Hacking, but the Growth Marketing strategy can help you a lot to further develop your company, contributing to its growth.

With so many innovations in the digital environment, it is common for marketing and its strategies to undergo some changes, and with this, new terms, concepts and techniques may emerge to help you in your entrepreneurial mission, as in the case of Growth Marketing, content marketing, etc.

Growth marketing is a strategy that is part of these innovations, with the objective of help businesses grow exponentially through a set of actions. If you are looking for exactly this for your company, follow us to understand more about the subject!

Growth Marketing: what does it mean?

A Growth Marketing strategy Its main objective is to bring a greater number of customers to the company, applying some growth, development and customer relationship techniques during this process.

This happens through a good marketing strategy which uses some creative and innovative ways to attract the attention of new customers, creating interest and relationships so that these people connect with your brand and your company's products.

Growth Marketing’s main characteristic is that it is a long-term strategy, targeting bring improvements to the company, increasing revenue, saving resources and capturing even more customers.
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Growth Marketing and common marketing: what are the differences?

Many people don't know, but there are some differences between Growth Marketing and traditional marketing. Growth Marketing has a more specific objective of bringing growth to the company, acting through tests and hypotheses. This strategy is applied across different marketing channels and has more specialized professionals as partners.

Now at common marketing The objective is to increase sales, creating market-based strategies and using more traditional marketing channels, in which the partners are communication professionals.

Growth Marketing and Common Marketing

Growth Marketing and Growth Hacking: what are the differences?

After understanding the two concepts above, let's talk about the differences between growth marketing and growth hacking, which despite having similar names, have distinct characteristics.

The term growth marketing is a derivation and it is not possible to identify its year of origin for sure. O growth hacking, in turn, emerged in 2010, being a friendly and fast methodology for fast-growing startups, while growth marketing has long-term results.

Growth marketing is responsible for find gaps to act in the development of companies, focusing first on users and then on sales. O sales funnel of growth is used in both concepts so that retention and sales strategies are mapped.

How does the Growth Marketing strategy work in practice?

The professional who works with growth marketing has a mindset focused on the hypotheses created and experiments. This means that this professional tends to observe a lot, analyze data and your audience’s behaviors.

From this, it is possible to create some strategies and solutions so that businesses have even more customers and, as a result, revenue at the end of the month is higher.

People who work with growth marketing in practice have usually already worked in other areas of marketing and, therefore, present strategies that are more rooted in their actions.

know how reach customers potential through the Database Marketing!

Growth Marketing Stages

In order for growth marketing to be applied in the company and generate good results, it is necessary to follow some steps. Let's see what they are:

Analyze company and public data

At this stage, it is crucial generate and collect data both quantitative and qualitative information about the company, in order to carry out an analysis. This is important to determine which improvements should be implemented.

Prioritize actions

It is essential a efficient management in choosing the actions that will be prioritized within growth marketing, as well as identifying the projects that will receive greater prominence in the coming months. To achieve this objective, it is highly recommended to carry out strategic meetings for this definition.

Execute the projects

Once you know which projects and actions will be prioritized, you need to put them into practice. Therefore, it is important to know the variables involved and the limits established, so that analyze whether there was effective growth or if the project was not successful.

Analyze the results

Finally, the last step of growth marketing is to do a analysis of results of all previous phases. This way, it is possible to know what actually brought results to the company and what should not be repeated.

How to put Growth Marketing into practice?

After understand better what Growth Marketing is, what are the steps and why put it into practice in the company, let's understand how this can be done in a business.

There are several ways to make your company concerned about growth strategies and also with the data, such as having someone who is an expert in the area, investing in good training and having growth marketing consultants.

Even if you already have someone hired to take care of this part, it is important invest in training, so that all projects and actions are put into practice in your business.

After all, knowing more about the subject can help you close better partnerships, and even if you don't find people experienced in the subject, you can now apply these strategies.

Applying growth marketing in a company is also related to behavior, and not just to hiring staff. Therefore, if you want to implement this method, know that it is important make your employees understand the subject as well.

To make this possible, schedule meetings, present the objectives and see how the teams' processes will be different, as they will be more familiar with the topic and associated practices.

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Growth Marketing Stages

Professionals specializing in growth marketing have some interesting techniques for putting this method into practice. To help you, we brought some of them:

  • Customer Service

    Improve customer service

    O customer service It is an essential step to see your company grow, but it is possible to optimize and improve this using some techniques.

    You can start monitoring your target audience by investing in research on the website, in social networks and identifying opportunities to apply improvements.
  • Making use of time

    Take advantage of the right time

    Putting growth marketing into practice is a task that requires a little more attention and, therefore, it is necessary to always be up to date. Thinking long-term is important, as is planning and creating actions at the right time to take advantage of opportunities.
  • Data analysis

    Perform good data analysis

    All research carried out with your customers is important, and within the growth marketing method, this data is even more promising. This is because it is possible to have even more positive results by creating actions based on these research and data analysis, providing an excellent return on investment.
  • Respond to competitors

    Pay attention to your competitors

    Monitor the strategies your competitors are putting into practice is one of the ways to apply growth marketing in the company and update the proposals of this method.

    This doesn't mean you should copy other companies, but rather analyze the experiences of people who have already been through this so as not to make the same mistakes.
  • Shopping journey

    Pay attention to the purchasing journey

    Customers' purchasing journey is not definitive, after all, processes can change, especially when newer customers start to arrive at the company.

    Therefore, being attentive to the purchasing journey allows you to understand what the new demands are, what you need to offer these customers, how to retain them and much more.

What are the biggest advantages of this method?

Nowadays we can observe that the Digital marketing strategies are increasingly looking for ways to bring growth to businesses, Is not it?

With this, Growth Marketing has the advantage of making the numbers at the top of the funnel grow, in addition to retaining new customers to also transform them into constant sales after the purchase.

It is common for many areas of marketing to have loopholes during your applied strategies, causing customers not to return to buy from the company again, in addition to generating other problems, such as not being able to acquire new customers or causing them to not go through the sales funnel.

But how Growth Marketing is possible to overcome these problems and identify exactly which points must be corrected within the business and which improvements must be applied.

Positive results with Growth Marketing
Implementing effective Growth Marketing strategies provides extraordinary sales results.
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Growth Marketing funnel stages

Just as traditional marketing relies on stages within the sales funnel, the growth marketing method is no different. What happens is that this sales funnel is a little different, having the objective focused on the consumer journey more comprehensively. See the steps below:

  • Acquisition stage

    This is when customers get to know more about the product or your brand. The objective of the acquisition is precisely generate qualified leads from some strategies such as forms, content and chatbots, for example.
  • Customer activation

    The objective at this stage of the growth marketing funnel is to speed up the use of products purchased by customers, in order to generate more engagement and contentment.
  • Customer retention

    At this stage of the funnel, the company needs to work to keep as many active customers as possible. To do this, it is necessary to use some actions, and then make the frequency greater.
  • Monetization

    At this stage, some strategies are used to generate more revenue for the company. With this, many actions can be tested as send messages to consumers, pricing products and much more.
  • Indicate the product

    Finally, the company seeks to work so that the products or services it offers are recommended to other people through customers who have already purchased. This can be done through some incentives such as awards, discounts and bonuses.


As we can see, the sales funnel do Growth marketing works with the aim of keeping customers always active, retaining them and encouraging them to recommend the services to other people.

Meanwhile, the common sales funnel works differently, focusing more on sales of services and products. Many points can be taken into consideration in practice, as well as opportunities, scenarios, improvements, among others, so that the company's growth is truly observed.

These processes are based on some aspects of growth marketing, such as Bandwidth, sales and leads achieved. Therefore, it is necessary to understand which of these indicators are most relevant to the company.

Therefore, it is important that decisions are made according to the company’s needs, always finding ways to improve its performance in the market.

After understanding the subject better, know that we are here to help you implement growth strategies like this for your company. Want to know more? Contact Us right now and get your questions answered!

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