Blog Bytebio
Case Bitrix24: How Fusion doubled lead-to-customer conversion
understand how the Bitrix24 and Bytebio helped in
Fusion Digital Transformation. The legal solutions company doubled its lead-to-client conversion rate and increased its revenue by 40%.

In this post you will see:

Case Bitrix24: How Fusion doubled lead-to-customer conversion

Now that you know what we prepared
for you in this post, come with us!

About Fusion

Headquartered in Franca, in the interior of São Paulo, the Fusion has been working for six years with legal solutions modern and integrated, helping law firms of all sizes, across the country, to become more organized, efficient and profitable.

The beginning

Just over a year ago, after internal marketing actions, Fusion saw its number of leads jump – contacts capable of becoming customers. This fact should be a reason to celebrate, right?! In the end, generate more leads e to attract potential customers is essential for success of any business. A desire to 10 out of 10 organizations.

Wrong! What was once a dream turned into a huge nightmare. This is because the entire process of registering the data of these new leads it was done Manually, one by one, in the (famous!) spreadsheets. Think about all time cost to fill in information, such as name, email and telephone, of about 300 new leads that arrived every month at Fusion.

"Managing leads manually was time-consuming work,
exhausting and unsustainable, which I swallowed my routine"
says Diego Mendes, CEO of Fusion.
And what was still worst: With spreadsheets alone, employees not were able to manage the relationship with the new leads and, therefore, it was impossible to follow the progress of the negotiations.

The discovery of the Bitrix24

Faced with this unsustainability of the process, the company's CEO decided to seek a capabilities to the problem of lead management. He wanted automate processes and get rid of spreadsheets (once and for all!).

It was there that the Bitrix24 entered the scene and gained a starring role! Expectations were high and the platform exceeded it

The importance of consultancy

After a lot of market research, Diego found the Bitrix24 and, faced with more than 35 integrated tools, he believed that the platform would be ideal for optimize processes and leverage Fusion’s results. He started using the free version of Bitrix24, but alone he was unable to explore all the features and potential the platform.

Diego realized he needed help and, looking for partners in the Bitrix24 here in Brazil, found the Bytebio.
"A Bytebio He knew my pain and understood Fusion's needs.
They had the
know-how of the tool, knew what and how to do
to get rid of that archaic job of feeding spreadsheets.
The business vision and expertise on the platform were fundamental
to close the partnership

Actions taken and solutions found by


Integration between the Bitrix24 and the Fusion website

We get Automate the entire capture and management process leads at Fusion. We integrated the CRM do Bitrix24 and website company, using live chat and forms as feedback capture tools. lead.

Now, all data from people who contact Fusion is automatically imported into Fusion's CRM. Bitrix24. In addition to this automatic import, the leads enter an automated flow specific to the stage of the funnel they are in. Without needing any human interaction, making the user experience (UX) much more enjoyable!

New contacts are divided internally, so automated way, among sales managers, who have access to all real-time information on activities. Each employee can, for example, view which leads have not yet been contacted, which customers have not yet been charged, the number of closed negotiations, in addition to having access to assessments of an agent compared to other team members.

Email automation

We also strategically automate Fusion's email flow, aiming to lead nutrition, optimizing sales and customer loyalty.
Thus, a potential customer can receive relevant content that convinces them that Fusion offers the service he needs. Or, a new closed customer may receive a welcome email, for example, and a relationship begins to be created.

Smart CRM

The CRM interface, convenient and intuitive, also includes a unique activity feed for the CRM, which allows new actions, such as scheduling meetings or introducing Fusion products, to be initiated for any item in the CRM, from a single place.
All this so that Fusion can do the management complete of your sales cycle, following the progress of all stages of the negotiations, which was previously unfeasible. In addition to automatically registering leads, the company is now also able to organize and monitor all Interactions with potential customers, actual customers, partners and other contacts. And the Historical of these interactions can be checked, managed and archived. Which makes the work of the entire team easier.
Thanks to the parameterizations of the Bytebio, it was possible to automate
our entire sales process.
Today, my day is much more productive and I can focus on strategic areas and issues of business."

Case Result Bitrix24, Bytebio and Fusion

Double the conversation | Bytebio
Double conversion
Lead-to-customer conversion rate doubled
+40% Revenue | Bytebio
+40% Revenue
Fusion's total revenue grew by approximately 40%
With the help of consultancy from Bytebio, in less than a year using the platform, the Fusion managed to double its lead-to-customer conversion rates and increase its revenue by almost 40%, a CASE​ Bitrix24 of success!

Diego also cites a transformation in his business, with better structured processes, customers at the center of the strategy, all demand being met, in addition to increased efficiency and productivity of the company, cost reduction, scalability and greater reliability of information, as manual data collection is susceptible to human errors.

"Today we have already explored other features of the Bitrix24 to better serve our customers, both pre-sales and post-sales. With automations, we can optimize our work and focus on what really matters. We increase our commercial efficiency, close more deals and manage countless interactions with our customers, all at once. Peace and tranquility in having your entire routine automated."
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