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Applying Digital Transformation will revolutionize your business

If you want to revolutionize your business, you need to know
the concept of Digital Transformation and also how
apply your strategies in everyday life.

In this post you will see:

Applying Digital Transformation will revolutionize your business
There are many changes that the world and, consequently, the job market are going through. To apply Transformation, for some time now, has been the center of meetings for company executives who, often, don't know what to do
or which solution to employ to achieve a greater competitive advantage.

Although the essence of Digital Transformation comes from the idea of ​​digitizing processes, it encompasses a series of measures that will modify the entire business mindset.

Digitization is just one step of many that can be used. In this article, we will show you the difference between these terms and present a series of benefits that can be achieved through strategies aligned to
Digital Transformation.

Interested? So, stay with us and read the article until the end to learn more.

Understand what Digitalization is

According to our old friend Aurélio, the concept of digitalization is the process of creating a digital version of a physical object.

Digitization optimizes various company processes in different aspects, in addition to making everything more organized. The oldest and most common example of scanning is the old Scanner. Which turns a paper document into a PDF or JPG file. Today, with smartphones, the process of scanning documents, photos, and the most diverse types of materials has become much more practical and faster.

Digitization is the process of making a physical object or material digital.

The concept of digitalization is just the first step of a much larger strategy and trend: Digital Transformation

But after all, what is Digital Transformation?

If you want to boost your business, you accurate be very clear about the concept of Digital Transformation and know how to apply its strategies in the day-to-day running of your company. And if you think that Digital Transformation is all about digitizing documents, come with me, that’s not exactly the path…

Digital Transformation is the use of technology, applied in different ways, to radically transform organizations, improving performance and helping them expand into other markets.
This concept should not be treated as futuristic. Quite the opposite. It needs to be used today in any and all companies, from the snack cart on the corner of your house to large companies.

Any and all businesses, regardless of size or segment, in a short time, you will be forced to adhere to Digital Transformation to stay alive in the market. And the sooner you start (if you haven't already started), the greater the
chances of leveraging results.
See the article "What is Digital Transformation in companies" and understand how it can transform
your business

Example of a company

WhatsApp is a great example of a company with a business strategy aligned with Transformation. In a short time, the company displaced large companies
telephone operators, who previously made money by sending SMS and calls over long distances. With the application, giant operators had to adapt and adjust their business models.

The important thing is that you understand that apply Digital Transformation, in this example, not only reduced costs but also democratized the use of the product in question. Adding value for both the company and users. It transforms businesses, with its two biggest characteristics being speed and amplitude achieved.

Applying Digital Transformation involves changes ranging from operational to
the highest level of the organization. Therefore, in addition to seeing the need for transformation, it is necessary to combine people and technologies, as this is the only way to
your plans will come to fruition.

This is not an easy task, as the cultural aspect forms the backbone of
company and can hinder – a lot – the implementation of new guidelines.

If you are leading a team, you must know how destructive employees with a fixed and outdated mindset can be for corporations. And nothing is more frustrating for a business owner than seeing that your biggest competitor didn't exist the week before or that you didn't give them due value.

The competitive advantage of companies that have been recording the highest appreciation curves is the mindset digital that they adopt. Keeping dwindling customers and failure away from home.

It is natural to have this mindset and digital processes applied in routine is a barrier, for this there are qualified B2B companies with know-how to support the most diverse businesses with strategic and innovative solutions. We, here at Bytebio, we are one of those companies that can help you!

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Applying Digital Transformation does not
It's only for IT companies

The biggest myth that needs to be put aside is that apply Digital Transformation it should be a task performed only by IT companies. Despite being born in the technology field, TD has much more to do with mindset and innovation
than with anything else.

Virtually any business can be digitized and companies that apply
This change solves problems and generates value through their solutions. In this context, important figures are emerging in organizations named CDO (Chief Digital Officer), who lead teams and hire qualified employees to assist in this process.

Benefits of Digital Transformation
for my business

Companies from all segments must pay attention to the mandatory nature of digital mobility to retain more and more customers and generate greater profits. This may seem obvious, but this mentality has to be well defined not only in the minds of business owners, but of all professionals in the organization.

Understanding this is essential not only for business owners, but also for all professionals.

Everyone must be aligned and empowered in order to improve workflows and ensure that the company obtains the benefits that we will see below:

Increased customer satisfaction
In the Age of the Customer, offering better experiences is the most visible aspect achieved, which will build customer loyalty and help your company build very important value for your brand.

Um CEI Survey study shows that by 2020, the customer experience (UX) will surpass price and product as a brand’s key differentiator. The survey also shows that 86% of customers will pay more to have a better experience.
This article may interest you too "Digital Transformation and UX: How to apply it in your company"

of costs
In addition to Digital Transformation having great potential to increase profits, it makes companies more sustainable and saves small costs that may go unnoticed in a company's day-to-day life, but which, if considered in total, become large. This is the case with the use of papers, for example.

Furthermore, investing in a chatbot and offering an intuitive FAQ with a good UX, for example, reduces the need to hire several employees for the customer service sector and creates an economy of scale, which frees up resources for other activities.

Increased productivity

With the use of data analysis tools, such as Google Analytics integrated into Bitrix24, you can consolidate all sectors of your company, with efficient communication, more fluid and modern processes and easy management.
Process Digitization
Through process modernization, employees are able to focus on more strategic activities and automate operational processes and routines.

The global scenario of

Brazil is in 80th place among the countries that invest the most in digital mobility and this only shows us how much we have to improve and how much your company will come out ahead as soon as you take the first step.

European Union countries invest around 1,95% of their GDP in Research and Development (R&D). However, leading the ranking are South Korea and Israel, with an investment of 4,25%.

Could this be the way for Brazil to get out of the crisis that has haunted us since 2014?

Transformation Data
Digital in Brazil

Through a study carried out by the multinational Accenture, it was found that the digital economy accounted for 22,5% of Brazilian GDP in 2016.

In 2017, the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications launched the Strategy for E-digital, which is nothing more than a program that aims to encourage the use of new technologies in various sectors of our economy.

Therefore, we realize that the Digital Transformation of Brazilian companies is still taking short steps, Being an excellent opportunity to get ahead of the competition.

While some CEOs don't even think about it, other leaders, despite being aware of the urgency of implementing a digital journey in the company, leave this issue aside for fear of the risk and lack of knowledge in the area.
According to research by the company Capgemini, only 36% of retail companies in Brazil have, in addition to knowledge of What is Digital Transformation, a plan of measures that must be taken towards success.
Despite the digital maturity of major players, such as retailer Magazine Luiza, which has a shopping app in its online store and one of the largest national marketplaces, most small business owners still do not seek digital mobility to stand out from the competition and they don't even have a responsive version for their websites.

Therefore, we selected the biggest success story so that you can be inspired and permanently change your company from physical to digital:

Nubank – Digital Transformation success story

Holding the position of largest fintech in Brazil, Nubank came to revolutionize our concept that a bank is a bureaucratic institution and only has expensive fees.
Founded in 2013, the bank came with a 100% digital proposal offering a credit card with no annual fee, with interest rates much lower than those practiced on the market and, in addition, it has a sustainable concept, allowing its users to control their invoices via the smartphone screen, not on paper.

And, even with all this innovation, Nubank stands out for its quality service and has been winning over more and more customers, especially young people.
who seek the reduction of bureaucracy offered by NuConta.

And for those who think that this is only possible because the company is huge and can invest, know that, on the contrary, it is just a startup and proof that, with good will and great ideas, apply Digital Transformation It's a giant leap for companies.

Signing Off

In this text, we explain What is Digital Transformation and digitalization and we show the benefits brought by each of them.

We also show that you can start slowly or completely revolutionize your business; but the important thing is to take the first step.

We saw here that great leaders, not in company size, but in mindset, will apply Digital Transformation and drive the economy, while
that others will simply watch your company decline in the face of the competition. And you, where do you want to be?

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