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Data Analysis in Marketing and Sales: how important is it?

How does Data Analysis benefit Marketing and Sales departments? Explore the dynamics of this interaction and discover strategies for practical implementation.

In general, marketing is paramount importance for competitiveness of business in the market. After all, this strategy qualifies and differentiates one brand from another, showing its real values ​​and seeking to please customers, according to their needs.

However, marketing alone, as on social media, does not offer many results if there is not a well-structured sales process. Therefore, in this article we will explore the relationship between these two sectors and how their intersection works. A data management It is the most efficient way to structure them. Good reading!

Data analysis in Marketing and Sales | Bytebio

Marketing and Sales: how does this relationship work?

By now, you may have already realized that the sales process continues the marketing work, right? For this reason, a well-known term in the area has emerged, which is sales. When these two areas are well aligned, they are able to further enhance sales volume.

If a business has a marketing structure but no sales, it does not offer opportunities for generate leads, for example. This is because not everyone comes into contact with your business on the internet and is convinced of your offer. When we work with leads, we just need to give them a “little push” to make them loyal customers. Without a sales structure, mixing inbound marketing, this process is not possible.

Now let's look at the opposite situation: if a business has a well-structured sales department, but does not have well-defined and strategic marketing processes, sales may even happen, however, the work tends to be much greater! In practical terms, salespeople make a living from cold calls, they can generate friction between themselves due to a lead that got in touch, etc.

Furthermore, there are businesses that simply buy contacts to try to obtain a significant result. However, buying contacts is not the best solution, as we don't know what type of audience is coming. For this reason, the sales marketing is extremely important. Even if they are completely different sectors such as products or services, they can very well be related to each other to obtain conversion strategies together.

The benefits of this approach are clear. According to a study by the Aberdeen Group, organizations with aligned marketing and sales teams achieve 20% annual revenue growth while companies that do not adopt the strategy have seen a 4% annual revenue drop.

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Integrating data analysis into Marketing and Sales processes

Data analysis is the ideal way to combine the two sectors, through a data management and a culture data driven, we need to create or optimize some important actions. See below:

1. Make communication between the two sectors open

We know that two different groups can develop work better and generate more assertive analyzes for the business if both are willing to communicate.

For this reason, it is crucial that these two sectors promote ways to connect continuously, either through internal chats, daily meetings, emails, among other related tools. This way, data integration is much more efficient and noise-free.

2. Use a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between marketing and sales

A Service Level Agreement is essential for integrating sales and marketing. In this way, we were able to obtain an even better understanding of the tasks of each sector, as well as their respective results and their intersection.

3. Use technology to your advantage

With increasing technological development, we notice the emergence of several automated tools, in order to assist us in making decisions based on data analysis and crossing.

To merge marketing and sales results and actions, it makes sense to have ERPs to centralize this data in a single place, and treat them in real time. Thus, new strategies can be implemented in order to increase results, optimize activities, reduce bottlenecks and much more.

How to manage data tools?

1. Centralize information

As stated in the previous topic, centralizing information is the first step to managing data and analyzing it even more efficiently. This is because, when it comes to marketing and sales, it is quite common for information to be dispersed across numerous tools — as we constantly create data.

To reduce this dispersion, allow this data to be centralized. This makes it easier to access them, make intersections, etc.

2. Classify information and segment customers

If we must centralize this information, we also need to keep in mind that this data needs to be categorized and very well organized. For this reason, it is crucial to classify this data, intuitively and clearly, including name, destination, origin, email, city, frequency, purchase journey, and whatever else is relevant for a clearer organization.

Today, some tools use the sales funnel for this purpose, being able to assist with some types of analysis such as descriptive analysis, predictive analysis, prescriptive analysis and diagnostic analysis. Through databases, this analysis can become an essential marketing strategy for your business, providing data through dashboards and promoting a culture of Business intelligence.

3. Generate periodicity

Since keeping data updated is important to avoid any divergence in future strategies and treatments, it is important to create a cycle of consistency. Therefore, try to create a update frequency, especially if your business works with excessive primary data, which does not tend to be collected in an automated way.

In a practical way, you can send emails sporadically to customers, so that they can update their registration data, and thus maintain their collection based on real information and within the law, such as Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) .

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ROAS and ROI: two very important metrics to analyze

In general, we can define that ROAS — acronym for Return on Advertising Spend, or Return on Investment in Advertising — is one of the most important metrics in digital marketing. In this analysis process, this metric is the basis for understanding how much return on advertising a company will have when investing an amount of resources.

However, many people tend to confuse the ROAS with ROI (Return on Investment). While the ROAS is more tactical, focused on Marketing, ROI is strategic, linked to the business objective. In other words, the latter is used to measure the profit that was generated by the advertisements in relation to their respective costs. On the other hand, ROAS measures the gross revenue from the investment, as it is a metric focused on the performance of online advertisements.

Signing Off

As a digital transformation company, Bytebio can contribute to your business through consultancy in Analytical Marketing. In other words, we will analyze your business data in search of insights and information that can bring more clarity to strategies and, consequently, more efficient actions in the tactical marketing plan, achieving even greater assertiveness in your campaigns and sales.

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