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6 market characteristics

workplace of the future

Just like companies, professionals also need to adapt to this new Digital Era and be aware of new
demands that arise every day.

In this post you will see:

6 market characteristics
workplace of the future

With 4.0 Revolution, it is necessary to accept the changes that globalization and Transformation brought to the entire company and, consequently,
the new requirements of the job market of the future.

Broad and dynamic, the market demands a new profile and has valued multitasking professionals – those who can work on many different aspects – and
as the ability to reinvent yourself.

In addition to carrying out several activities at the same time, new professionals also need to know how to recognize priorities and the resources necessary to achieve
of the objectives.

Can you explain the reason for this change and what benefits a company can achieve by hiring a professional with an analytical profile?

Today's post answers these questions. Stay with us and discover which differences are most valued by companies in the current scenario.

The job market in the Digital Era

O LinkedIn and the use of specialized software that helps monitor and filter resumes by skills helps HR hire employees in a way that
smart and effective.

Applications – such as Skype and Hangouts – are also used to conduct job interviews, for example, especially in nationwide recruitment.
According to the “Harvey Nash Human Resources” survey, 60% of Human Resources leaders who were interviewed around the world point out that the importance
of technology in performing its function has increased.
But it wasn't just the Human Resources area that suffered impacts from the use of new software and platforms. A Digital age It has already taken over all company departments and most professionals already know and feel this on a daily basis.

Except in some very specific professions, being a specialist in a single area is no longer enough for companies. And young people from generation reevaluate the career. A fact that can represent a threat to those comfortable professionals, who live in their comfort zone and always perform the same functions.

With all the technological advances, there are already solutions that make life easier for companies and entrepreneurs and, in some cases, end up eliminating the need to hire certain professionals. An example of this is the Bitrix24, which has more than 35 tools and, among them, a website creator Bitrix24. With it, you can customize your blog or online store even without having knowledge of design or coding.

What do we want to show by citing the Bitrix24 It is precisely this need to reinvent and expand the vision. Professionals who specialize only in programming languages, for example, may lose space. The serial ideal would be for them to invest in one or more complementary areas, even if different from the first training,
in order to get closer to the job market of the future.
See the article "What is Bitrix24?" and see how it can transform your business

How to keep up with digital changes?

At this point, you might be thinking that, with all these changes, professional experience no longer has any value. But not quite. Of course it still counts. But, seen in isolation, it is not enough.

What we want to say is that experienced professionals must go through a recycling in order to keep up with digital changes. And those who are entering the job market and do not yet have any experience, but who have familiarity with the new tools available to their advantage, should focus and invest in personal and professional development.

That's what you read. The personal profile has great weight when choosing an employee and, contrary to what many people think, technologies did not come to take jobs away from anyone. They came to ensure that that distinguished professional is better paid than others.

Therefore, it is the role of leadership to allay any fears that still exist about the impacts of Transformation, therefore, studies indicate that, by 2020, the Artificial Intelligence will create more jobs than it will eliminate.
Bonus: A tip for you who are looking to develop your creative and analytical side
of your employee: invest in mentoring and coaching.

6 market characteristics
workplace of the future

In general, companies tend to focus on some characteristics and any professional – looking for a job or already working, whether within a company or working independently – needs to be concerned about them.
  • Ease of understanding
    The market has become much more dynamic, which requires a continuous learning flow. New concepts, trends, strategies and methods emerge every day. You need to pay attention to everything!

    Regardless of the area of ​​activity, there is always something new to be discovered. In this sense, those who have a more observant and curious get ahead of their competitors. This is because they are able to pay attention to details and assimilate content more quickly.

  • Creativity
    Innovative attitudes! Think out of the box It's a huge push to stand out in
    a market hungry for creative professionals.

    It is worth mentioning here that, contrary to what many people think, creativity is a skill that can be acquired. Of course, a person can be born with a certain extra talent. But everyone has the capacity, even more so when working as a team and being a good listener: Those who listen more are more likely to discover how to solve a problem authentically.

  • Versatility
    Knowing how to adapt in a globalized world makes all the difference when it comes to getting a job. Having knowledge about tools used by the department is already something seen
    as desirable on resumes.

    Furthermore, the most important thing is knowing how to evaluate the interdependence from other areas with its activity.

  • Proactivity
    This characteristic is based on what we know as “wearing the company’s shirt”. Professionals
    who assume anticipatory behavior in relation to situations and quickly create solutions to problems that may arise.

    Create ways to make work or everyday life easier
    Consumer Day is also considered proactivity. One of the companies that most
    act this way is Apple.

    Before creating the iPhone or iPad, consumers may not have even imagined that they would need these products. However, Apple managed
    to anticipate a need and, nowadays, it has a legion of fans, who eagerly await new versions of the equipment.

    Just one example to illustrate how proactivity can take companies and professionals much further. People who show autonomy and will to win are very much in demand. They are sought after to take on leadership roles within organizations.

  • Analytical profile
    Know analyze data and taking advantage of them is a differentiator in the Digital Age. Industry 4.0 and the tools that help our work constantly bombard us with reports and this can leave professionals who don't know
    how to deal with them in trouble.

    Loose numbers don't make any sense for decision-making. A simple analysis
    or done poorly, can also have serious consequences for the company. So, knowing how to analyze data makes any enterprise come out ahead of the competition.

    Precise analysis is crucial to extract from reports what is important and what is irrelevant at that moment and, therefore, make the best decision.

  • Communicative
    For the work process to occur efficiently, a good professional must have the ability to communicate and make yourself heard.

    The ability to relate well with people makes all the difference and the analytical profile plays a key role in this task.

    People like this tend to get straight to the point, without fluff, and convey the message objectively and clearly. As a result, the company gains in time management and increased productivity.

    O job market of the future looking for professionals who know how to create relationships and build their own network of contacts, the so famous networking. Arousing empathy in people is also fundamental, as it is through relationships that we achieve great partnerships.

Signing Off

We show you in this text how technology has transformed the reality of companies and employees for the better.

It has been proven that it is necessary to prioritize a analytical profile when hiring, as it will be useful in many stages. Not only in creating and analyzing reports, but also in assimilating content and news more quickly.

Professionals like this will also propose new work methodologies for you.
middle of a effective communication.

You can trust: applying the tips we selected here for job market of the future, you, the entrepreneur, will put together a more effective team and you, the professional, can open your eyes to the entire transformation underway.

This way, it will be simpler to create business goals that suit the company's reality and that, with a little effort, can be achieved.

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