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5 advantages of analytical marketing consultancy

Find out how consultancy specialized in analytical marketing can transform your business and add value to your brand, following market trends.

With the increasing development of technology in the market and digital transformation, we can notice the emergence of several tools and applications to optimize results. After all, if we want to be even more competitive in the market, we need to have new strategies and methods to achieve increasingly better results.

In this context, we can see the importance of digital marketing industry, which offers a range of strategies to help companies gain even more space in online media, and thus, win and retain more and more customers.

However, there is a very important approach within the marketing, known as Analytical Marketing (or Marketing Analytics). This analytical area of ​​marketing allows managers, entrepreneurs and marketing professionals to better formulate their sales actions and data-driven marketing (data driven), and not just “thinking”.

Despite being an extremely important and widespread subject in the digital market, few professionals know this type of marketing in depth, as well as its potential to elevate the brand to another level.

Want to know more about the subject? So, follow us through this article and ask your questions about the marketing analytics and why it is so necessary in current business contexts.

After all, what is Analytical Marketing?

Analytical marketing — also known as marketing analytics — is nothing more than a marketing discipline that uses methods and collection tools collection and analysis, in order to identify patterns, make even better decisions and evaluate plausible strategies to generate even more business opportunities.

It is an area that literally dives deeply into data to understand and verify whether planned results are being achieved. It thus shows whether the company is on the right path and what trends it may encounter on its market journey.

In short, analytical marketing is an approach to data-driven marketing, which seeks to learn from the past, analyze the present and lead the brand's future in the best possible way.
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In practice: how does Analytical Marketing work?

Even though data is the main resource of the analytical marketing, there are other points of attention for the method to be successful. Therefore, some steps are essential prior to the data analysis itself, which aim to structure the data tracking and collection processes and which are presented below.

  • Data tracking

The first step towards the practical application of analytical marketing is to track the data. There is an infinite amount of data that is generated in the corporation's internal and external environment, however, the manager will not track all the data that appears in front of him — because there is a lot of it.

He will choose those who are generated through the marketing channels of your corporation and that fit into the adopted strategy. Examples to mention are social networks, pages, websites, blogs, paid media, among others. These are channels that tend to concentrate their efforts on digital marketing industry.

It is extremely important to collect primary or secondary data in these different channels, so that it is possible to better understand how consumers and, in particular, their target audience, are reacting to the different strategies developed by the company.

  • Data collect

After tracking, we are now able to access numerous information regarding the performance of your marketing strategies. With the support of automated tools, or even a spreadsheet — manually —, we will collect this data, so that the analysis can finally take place.

Don't forget to focus on the most important data aligned with the strategy so that your analysis is more productive and so that you don't get lost in the midst of so much data. Therefore, the data collection process needs to be conducted and guided by KPIs, which will basically be the metrics related to the strategy's objectives.

Some of the key metrics for the analytical marketing are listed below:

  • 1

    Blog metrics: number of sessions, pages per session, retention rate, CTR, number of visitors, conversion rate, traffic sources, etc.;

  • 2

    metrics of SEO: Position on the SERP, organic traffic, page authority, domain authority, organic conversion rate, etc.;

  • 3

    Social media metrics: engagement, reach, social media conversion rate, social media traffic, etc.;

  • 4

    Paid media metrics: paid conversion rate, cost per click (CPC), cost per lead, cost per acquisition, etc.;

  • 5

    Email marketing metrics: opening rate, delivery rate, click-through rate (CTR), unsubscribes, conversion rate, etc.;

  • 6

    Business metrics: Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC), Return on Investment and Advertising (ROAS), Return on Investment (ROI), Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR), retention rate, cost per acquisition (CPA) and more.

We should not, however, limit ourselves to just these metrics. There are many others that can be explored in the process of analytical marketing. It is up to the company to understand which ones make the most sense for its internal strategies and for increasing brand authority in the market.

This way, it will be them (the data) that will “tell” what types of other data it would be interesting to collect so that the analysis can effectively take place. And finally, we must also take care of the data visualization, which need to be presented in a user-friendly manner so that analysis can occur.

After all, the data that will be collected is raw, and in this condition does not usually offer much information and insights. However, the graphs and tables generated from them allow the identification of patterns and generate intelligence for business.

Therefore, the data visualization — or data visualization — is also one of the areas of analytical marketing, becoming responsible for the visual representation of data, providing the processing, crossing and segmentation of data, in order to better understand the patterns, and thus, the probable trends to extract better insights.

Professionals in analytical marketing
Analytical marketing professionals perform analysis and improvements
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Marketing Analytics Consulting: is it worth it?

So far, you have already realized that working with marketing analytics It is extremely important for your company and to generate competitiveness for your brand.

Furthermore, it is also very important to understand that to make the analytics is implemented, it is necessary to have infrastructure, systems and training specialized professionals.

Often, without considering these factors, companies have difficulties implementing this strategy in their business, both for technical reasons (the necessary knowledge and skills) and for spending on technology and other tools necessary to do the job. marketing analytics happen.

Therefore, having a consulting could be fundamental to starting this endeavor. This is because many companies invest heavily in assembling teams to carry out this work, however, having consultants who are already experts on the subject, in a partnership with the possibility of customization and flexibility, makes all the difference for the business.

Main advantages and benefits of analytical marketing consultancy?

Understanding the concept and importance of this type of marketing for your business — as well as the demands required to structure it in your company —, we can perceive some of the exclusive advantages and benefits that only specialized consultancy can offer your brand. Let’s check out some of them below:

1. Reduction of costs

The first advantage that we can notice with the support of a consultancy specialized in analytical marketing is, without a doubt, cost reduction.

After all, the company will not need to bear the costs of creating a new team to deal with the demands of this strategy.

Furthermore, costs are not only related to hiring, but also to the technology and training necessary to sustain the demands imposed by this type of marketing. With the support of specialized consultancy, these costs are drastically reduced.

The entrepreneur will be able to adapt an acceptable budget for his pocket, in exchange for a team already specialized in this type of service and with all the tools, expertise and professionals ready to help you throughout the analytical process.

2. More focus

Without a doubt, analytical marketing It is a task that takes a lot of time. After all, we are analyzing several factors that aim to ensure the competitiveness of a brand in the market.

However, with the support of expert advice, the entrepreneur or area manager will have the opportunity to focus on other types of business activities, while the partner company carries out the activities and analyzes that involve the analytics, bringing results in a more accessible and practical way.

In addition to easing your pocket, consultancy also alleviates your work activities, offering more time to create new products, devise better strategies and improve internal processes on your brand.

Having time to carry out other activities is extremely important in current contexts, as in these moments we can obtain insights, promote brainstorms and other pertinent activities to make leaner and more optimized internal processes. Not to mention the possibility of integrating other sectors — if convenient to improve internal results.

3. Professional experts on the subject

No less important than the items mentioned above is knowing that a analytical marketing consultancy It involves the support of professionals already experienced in the market and, above all, this type of tools.

In the case of investing in an internal team within the company, in addition to the costs involved with tools and technology, it is also necessary invest in knowledge — training, lectures, workshops and courses, for example.

In other words, it will take a long time for your team to engage in know-how necessary and understand the data and information generated by the systems. So, being able to count on experienced professionals helps you reach your financial and competitive objectives quickly and effectively.

4. Flexibility

In addition to all the advantages mentioned above, we have the flexibility in the contracts made for these partnerships. The entrepreneur can adjust your needs and guarantee all the services you need, at an appropriate price.

This means that they do not pay extra for processes and activities that do not relate to their expectations and the realities of their brand.

Not to mention that support between the company and outsourced company is constant. Communication tends to be centralized, so that information is passed on smoothly. And if there is any doubt, help is also available at all times.

5. Competitiveness

As a result of the advantages mentioned, we reached a crucial point for the company: the long-awaited competitiveness. After all, if we are collecting and analyzing data based on the market and consumer behavior, the digital marketing strategies become optimized and, best of all, targeted to the right people.

Thus, the increase in revenue tends to be scalable, so that investing in a analytical marketing consultancy It contributes greatly to the brand’s growth in the market and getting ahead of the competition.


As we have seen, market behavior is changing substantially. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor the tendencies, so that we can interpret customer demands. To take data-driven decisions and transforming them into intelligence for generating strategies and actions is a very important milestone for the success of a brand.

So, now that you have resolved your doubts about the analytical marketing and you understand the importance and advantages of ensuring specialized consultancy in this method, how about finding out about our services? Find out more about our consultancy services.

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