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Bitrix24 and LGPD: Find out why
where to start in your company

Understand what LGPD is, how to leave the Bitrix24 adapted to the Law (13.709/2018) in your company and how it can help

In this post you will see:

Bitrix24 and LGPD: Find out where to start in your company
Check out the main information about LGPD and Bitrix24 and find out what to do to implement it in your company
Important: This article aims to present educational information about LGPD, however it should not be used as a means of ensuring that your company complies with the law. To do this, we recommend hiring a specialized consultancy.

What is the LGPD, Brazil’s General Data Protection Act?

The LGPD is the General Data Protection Law (Law 13.709/2018) which provides for the processing of personal data, including in digital media, by natural persons or legal entities governed by public or private law, with the aim of protecting the rights fundamental principles of freedom and privacy and the free development of the personality of the natural person.

The General Data Protection Law regulates the processing and storage of third-party personal data and can be decisive for implementing Digital Marketing strategies on your company's website. Compliance with legislation increases your brand’s trustworthiness and ranking in search engines.
Yes. LGPD came into force on 18/09/2020

Purpose and importance


Privacy and autonomy in relation to data is a fundamental right for consumers and service users, people must be aware of how and when their personal information is used.

This use must not exceed the user's own awareness and right to choose and, therefore, the agents to whom the law applies must be aware of their responsibilities in relation to the collection, storage and processing of this data.

It is worth remembering that in addition to disrespecting the consumer, failure to comply with obligations in relation to LGPD brings a heavy load of fines.

With increasingly digitalized business models, the adoption of home office, the inclusion of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and the association of social networks, blogs and streaming channels with Digital Marketing strategies, companies have increased the need for discussion on the security and privacy of sensitive data.

The objective of the General Data Protection Law is precisely to protect personal data and guarantee privacy to users of public, private or free services, whether provided digitally or not.


The law comes at an extremely opportune time, in order to fill a legal gap and avoid other episodes involving the misuse of personal data.

Its regulation serves as an attempt to organize and hold companies and institutions responsible for taking care of their consumers' data and giving them autonomy over the use of their data.

Furthermore, the law places Brazil on an equal footing with many other countries that already have well-defined rules on the subject. It also represents an important cultural change. After all, all internet users will be encouraged to pay greater attention to the way their personal information is being used by third parties.

For companies that work with digital campaigns, understanding the law is essential to avoid damage to their image and even legal punishments. By strengthening users' rights over their own information, the LGPD forces companies to demonstrate good faith and transparency in the way they collect and use data.

How to adapt to your company?

With regard to data collection, a user's first point of contact with an institution or company is through the institutional website or blog. In these environments, it is essential to ensure adequacy in the seven main areas that the law brings to us. See below what they are:

Although it is not known whether there will be real rigor in supervision and punishment for all types of organizations, such as multimillionaires, local businesses and NGOs, it seems that all companies are subject to the LGPD rules, even if the only data processing personnel carried out is that of its own employees.
Check out some steps to keep your business and your customers safe:
Anyone who believes that the LGPD is another law that “will not catch on” is mistaken. This is a global movement, perhaps started (or fueled) by the Facebook–Cambridge Analytics data scandal, which involved the collection of identifiable data information from 87 million users.

The LGPD follows some of the European law best practices, the GDPR, which came into force on May 25, 2018.

In Europe, it imposes heavy fines for non-compliance with legislation [20 million Euros or 4% of annual revenue].

It can be said that the LGPD delves into a very important topic of the Federal Constitution, which is the right to privacy.

O section Article 5 provides that:
X – are inviolable intimacy, private life, honor and image of people, ensuring the right to compensation for material or moral damage resulting from its violation.

Bitrix24 and the LGPD

O Bitrix24 is a complete platform for business, with more than 35 tools for management, social collaboration and communication. Among these collaborative tools, it has a powerful CRM (system that manages customer relationships), dealing with a high volume of data.

As it deals with customer data, documents, communication, forms and others, it is a system that meets the needs that companies seek to manage this data and policy, and now, aligned with the LGPD.
See the article "What is Bitrix24?" and see how it can transform your business
As it is software of European origin and on a global scale, with more than 7 million active accounts around the world, the Bitrix24 fully complied with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), 2016/679 to satisfaction. Thus, all updates required to comply with GDPR were taken at the time.

In this way, now with the LGPD in Brazil, the Bitrix24 has also updated its services to ensure it complies with guidelines.

Below, we leave the release from the team itself Bitrix24.

We have updated our Data Processing Agreement

Dear user,

We would like to inform you that we have updated all of our services to ensure they comply with GDPR guidelines. And we've made some changes to our legal agreements that will apply to you.

The General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD or LGPDP) is the Brazilian legislation that regulates the processing activities of personal data of residents of the Federative Republic of Brazil. You can check the text of the LGPD here.

These changes reaffirm the commitment of Bitrix24 with the highest data protection standards and compliance with all applicable laws and good practices, as well as safeguarding our users' data.

You do not need to take any further action in relation to the changes set out in this email if you have already accepted our Data Processing Agreement. Updates will be effective automatically starting September 17, 2020, and by continuing to use our service and access our features, you agree to the updated terms.

If you have not previously accepted our Data Processing Agreement, you may do so in your user account settings as described in our helpdesk article.

If you have questions about any of these changes or your account, please don't hesitate to contact our privacy team.

Thank you for using Bitrix24!

Best Regards,

Staff Bitrix24

(16 / 09 / 2020)

See the article on the helpdesk Bitrix24, which shows the settings for accepting the contract on your Bitrix24

Use the Bitrix24 on this journey with LGPD

The platform Bitrix24 It can be an excellent choice to help your company have a system for managing the data of its customers and employees, following the LGPD guidelines. It can be a system for the LGPD that helps the company adapt to the Law, through applications that extend its resources, such as GDPR for CRM, which allows the anonymization of personal data, among others.

The prices of Bitrix24 They vary: there is a free version and subscription plans. They all offer tools for uploading, organizing and sharing files ranging from 5GB to 1TB storage space, with space upgrade possibilities.

In subscription plans, there are no limits on the number of tasks and projects your employees can collaborate on. However, commercial plans may include additional module tools that are missing from the free plan.

Consult our table of plans and features.

We are Gold partners Bitrix24 here in Brazil and we are ready to listen to you and assist you with your business challenges!

The purpose of this page is for information purposes only – we do not provide legal advice nor are we responsible for measures that may be adopted by third parties.

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