Let's do a project together

Find out a little about what we can offer with Consultancy in Bitrix24 for your business and count on the support of Services Bytebio
Your company. United.
A complete management platform with more than 35 tools for your team.
Bitrix24 Gold Partner
We are certified partners in Brazil
O Bitrix24 is a complete platform for
business management in industry 4.0
fronts Bitrix24
The tools offered by Bitrix24 are divided into 6 major fronts:
Improve your commercial flow and customer relationships with a complete CRM
Contact Center
Contact Center
Offer different forms of contact to your audience, with consolidated management
Have fluid and fast internal communication with chats, video conferences and more
Tasks and Projects
Tasks and Projects
Have practical and intuitive task and project management
Websites and Stores
Websites and Stores
Create websites, landing pages and online stores to capture leads and new business quickly and intuitively
Integrate the Bitrix24 with several external systems increasing the platform’s possibilities
A Bytebio will help you choose the best tools and resources do Bitrix24 for your business, aiming for Digital Transformation
Bytebio | Gold Partner Bitrix24
Some tools
of CRM in Bitrix24
  • Leads
    Lead entry and management with customizable kanban, list, calendar and dashboard views.
  • Business
    Manage all information relating to your business, including budgets, products, invoices, flows, meetings, tasks, emails, etc.
  • Contact Us
    Contact Us
    Control your customers' contacts and link them to their respective businesses and companies.
  • Companies
    Manage all your customer (legal entity) information in one place, with a view of lists and dashboards.
  • CRM Forms
    CRM Forms
    Create and customize forms to make it easier to gather information.
  • Sales Funnel
    Monitor commercial negotiations from arrival to closing/winning.
  • Automations
    Better fluidity and ease in executing flows.
  • Creating custom fields and flows
    Creating custom fields and flows
    Customizable fields and pipelines according to your business.
Through CRM, the Bytebio may contribute to structure the commercial area, sales processes, offering greater fluidity in processes.
Bytebio | Gold Partner Bitrix24
Some tools
of the Contact Center Bitrix24
Some Contact Center Tools Bitrix24
  • Telephony
    Cloud call center for receiving and sending phone calls
  • Live chat
    Live chat
    Live chat widget on the website to offer a better customer experience, with the possibility of applying a chatbot and Sales Center
  • E-mail
    Provide customer service via email directly through the environment Bitrix24 and have all interactions recorded
  • Contact form
    Contact form
    Create contact forms with custom fields and capture specific information depending on the page where the form will be displayed
A Bytebio may assist in structuring and development of contact center tools
Bytebio | Gold Partner Bitrix24
Some tools
Communication in Bitrix24
  • WhatsApp
    Manage WhatsApp messages within your Bitrix24
  • Social Media
    Social Media Management
    Manage messages and comments from your social networks in a consolidated way within the Bitrix24
  • Internal Communicator (Chat)
    Internal Communicator (Chat)
    Chat with employees at your company with instant chat via text, audio and video messages
  • CRM marketing
    CRM marketing
    Create segmented lists, manage email marketing campaigns, capture leads with web forms and much more
  • Collaborative Intranet
    Collaborative Intranet
    Have a timeline wall as part of a collaborative intranet for the entire team
  • Campaign Performance Analysis
    Campaign Performance Analysis
    Get an analytical view of the performance of your email marketing, Google and Facebook Ads campaigns, with ROI analysis
  • Chato Live on the Website
    Chato Live on the Website
    Be available in chat 24/7 for visitors to your website, being able to customize messages and opening hours
A Bytebio you can create integrations of your main communication channels and ensure unified communication da empresa
Bytebio | Gold Partner Bitrix24
Some tools
Tasks and Projects in Bitrix24
  • Working Groups
    Working Groups
    Manage messages and comments from your social networks in a consolidated way within the Bitrix24
  • Bitrix24 Drive
    Bitrix24 Drive
    Chat with employees at your company with instant chat via text, audio and video messages
  • Custom Task Views
    Custom Task Views
    Create segmented lists, manage email marketing campaigns, capture leads with web forms and much more
  • Customized
    Have a timeline wall as part of a collaborative intranet for the entire team
  • Task Import
    Task Import
    Get an analytical view of the performance of your email marketing, Google and Facebook Ads campaigns, with ROI analysis
  • Task Automations
    Task Automations
    Be available in chat 24/7 for visitors to your website, being able to customize messages and opening hours
A Bytebio may assist in process fluidity through better project and task management
How we work
See how we can help you

Services like Bitrix24 Gold Partners

A Bytebio is an Official Gold Partner Bitrix24 in Brazil
Implementation and configuration on Bitrix24
We create automations, workflows, and much more for your Bitrix24
Integration and APIs with Bitrix24
We develop APIs to integrate your Bitrix24 with systems
Sales of licenses Bitrix24
As Gold Partners Bitrix24, we offer licenses in Reais
Consulting, Support and Training in Bitrix24
We empower your team to get the best out of Bitrix24
Make your business even smarter
Main fronts that we can work with your business
Artificial Intelligence
Analysis, diagnosis and assistance in building digital culture in the company, focusing on people and their processes.
Process Automation with Bitrix24
A Bytebio is a GOLD Partner of Bitrix24 in Brazil and has complete advisory services.
Smart CRM with Bitrix24
Use data and technology to support marketing decisions.
Integration between Systems with Bitrix24
Implementations, parameterizations in Bitrix24, integrations and development of websites and systems.
Web and App Development
Transform data from different sources into reports and management indicators, providing more intelligence to your business.
Chatbot and Omnichannel with Bitrix24
Check out our list of services for your company, focusing on Digital Transformation, BI and Analytical Marketing.
Integrations we develop
Some systems that we can develop integrations with
Like Protheus (Totvs), SAP and Sapiens (Senior)
How to Conta Azul and Quickbooks
Like WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram
How we apply

How to solve certain business problems in your company with Bitrix24? Alone may not be enough. Consulting makes this bridge and fulfills the function of connecting needs and problems to solutions, relying on the experience of our consultants, who already have experience from other cases and business experiences and use of appropriate tools.


We develop applications that can extend your Bitrix24 to other functions specific to your needs or your business. Furthermore, our development team can create parallel systems or integrate existing systems and ensure that all your digital needs are met.

Parameterization and Implementation

we leave the Bitrix24 configured according to the needs of your business, through parameterizations, configurations, customizations and mainly through implementation work, respecting the company's culture and its current situation.

Capabilities and Training

We offer in-person or remote training and training for different segments of the company, according to functional roles, such as senior management, managers, employees, project teams, sales, as well as for all staff.

Under Measure
We adjust according to your needs, acting on demand.
Roadmap suggestion
Media Analysis
- Analysis of current media
- Data analysis
- Evaluation of the implemented methodology
- Initial diagnosis

Parameterizations and Settings
- Survey of processes
- Parameterizations in the system according to the means of communication used
- Automations and Workflows
- Creation of custom fields

Training and Qualification
- Survey of topics to be covered in training
- Definition of training strategies for different teams and segments of the company
- Training and qualification plan
- Execution of training and qualification of the team

Results assessment
- Monitoring Results
- Analysis and Improvements
- Validations and Deliveries

Specialized Advice
  • Mapping Internal Processes
    Mapping Internal Processes
    Assistance in surveying and mapping the internal processes necessary for implementing the Bitrix24 for more fluid and effective management
  • Result Optimization
    Result Optimization
    Monitoring operational and administrative results, defining new actions aimed at optimizing results
  • Direction in Bitrix24
    Direction in Bitrix24
    Guidance on the application of the functionalities and tools of the Bitrix24, according to each business stage
  • Conducting the Internal Team
    Conducting the Internal Team
    Assistance in leading the internal team with the aim of extracting the maximum possible possibilities with the Bitrix24 at different levels of activity, respecting the company's business rules
Targeted Actions
A Bytebio assistance is available to create:
  • 1
    Business Process Analysis
    Assessment of adopted processes and identification of business rules
  • 2
    Smart CRM
    Assistance on how to use CRM intelligently for the business, focusing on operation and management
  • 3
    Custom Fields
    Creation of customized fields according to business needs
  • 4
    Automation Rules
    Creating automation rules and activation triggers
  • 5
    Parameterizations and customizations
    Configuration / Setup Bitrix24, in accordance with your company’s business rules
  • 6
    Custom reports
    Creation of reports with data and information relevant to the business
  • 7
    Custom Dashboards
    Creation of dashboards consolidating data and information relevant to the business
  • 8
    Email and Document Templates
    Creation of email and document templates to reduce human error and increase productivity
  • 9
    Electronic Document Management
    We help with the implementation of Electronic Document Management (GED) and Corporate Content Management (ECM)
  • 10
    Automations in Projects
    Implementation of automation rules and workflows aiming for operational fluidity in projects
  • 11
    Communication and Contact Center
    Assistance in the implementation of unified communication, between employees, external users and/or customers
  • 12
    Development and Integrations
    Integration between CRM systems, ERPs, communication channels and development of new screens or complementary systems, via API
A Bytebio helps in implementation and deployment. Implementation is in the system, in things, in processes. The implementation is in the company, with people, who will be responsible for the transformation
What we hope to achieve
Increase employee adherence to Bitrix24, improving the user experience and internal communication
Improvement in Project Control
Planning, execution and management of your aligned projects
to a fluid process
Optimization of Internal Processes
Optimization of internal processes, simplification of routines and operational fluidity
Greater productivity with integrated data, systems and information, synchronized via APIs
Frequently Asked Questions
Bytebio | Bitrix24 Gold partner
Let's structure your business?
Help us put together your proposal
Help us put together your proposal
Already have a license Bitrix24?
What is your level of knowledge about the Bitrix24?
What are the most interesting features in the Bitrix24?
Within Unified Communications, you would like to:
If you selected this feature
What areas would you like to change/improve in your business?
What tools/systems are currently used?
Are you interested in integrating some platform/system into the Bitrix24?
Ex: Rd Station with Bitrix24/ Blue Account with Bitrix24/ SAP com Bitrix24
Ex: Name, surname, CPF, CNPJ, Trade name, Company name, etc.
Regarding the data that will be imported:
Select the options that suit your data.
What would be the ideal option for your data import?
Remembering that each option requires a different number of hours.
Do you imagine the Bytebio helping you with:
What would be the ideal deadline for delivery of services?
This information is important so we can help you prioritize your needs and keep your budget within what you planned. Ex: R$10.000
This information is important so we can help you prioritize your needs and keep your budget within what you planned. Ex: R$ 2.000,00

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